
The China Arbitrator Podcast

The China Arbitrator is a video podcast dedicated to understanding Chinese perspectives on international dispute resolution. China’s leading arbitration practitioners discuss future trends in the field, key differences between Chinese and Western arbitration counsel/clients, and the future of international disputes.

中国仲裁员是一个视频播客,致力于了解中国仲裁从业者对国际争议解决的看法。 中国领先的仲裁从业者讨论该领域的未来趋势、中西方仲裁律师/客户之间的主要区别以及国际争议的未来。

Ep. 5 – 金立宇律师 (Mr. Denning Jin)

Tom Villalón sits down with Mr. Denning Jin, partner at the Han Kun law firm, and one of China’s top international arbitration practitioners. During the interview, Mr. Jin discusses differences between Chinese and American clients when it comes to international arbitrations, how the One Belt One Road initiative will affect the future of Chinese arbitration and the “globalization” of Chinese legal services, as well as what advice he would has for the next generation of international arbitration lawyers.

在今天的播客中魏狮(Tom Villalón)将采访金立宇律师。金律师是汉坤律师事务所的合伙人之一。在交谈中他谈到的是话题包括:中美客户之间在进行国际仲裁时的区别,一带一路倡议对中国国际仲裁领域和法律服务的“国际化”会有什么影响,以及对新一代国际仲裁律师的建议。

Watching from Mainland China? Watch here on Bilibili.


Ep. 4 – 董箫律师(Mr. Arthur Dong)

Tom Villalón sits down with Mr. Arthur Dong, Partner at the JunHe law firm, one of the top international arbitration practitioners in China. During the interview, Mr. Dong discusses preferences of Chinese companies when it comes to appointing arbitrators, trends in the Chinese legal services market, cultural differences when it comes to interacting with Chinese clients, the role of mediation in resolving disputes with Chinese parties, as well as what advice he has for the next generation of international arbitration lawyers.

在今天的播客中魏狮(Tom Villalón)将采访董箫律师。董箫律师是君合律师事务所合伙人之一。在交谈中他谈到的话题包括:中国企业在指定仲裁员的偏好,中国法律服务未来的趋势,中美企业之间的文化差异,调解在国际纠纷中的作用,以及对新一代国际仲裁律师的建议。

Watching from Mainland China? Watch here on Bilibili.


Ep. 3 – 费宁律师 (Mr. Ning Fei)

Tom Villalón sits down with Mr. Ning Fei, managing partner of the Hui Zhong law firm, and one of China’s top international arbitration practitioners. During the interview, Mr. Fei discusses the differences between how Chinese and foreign lawyers conduct arbitrations, what types of international disputes will arise in China over the next 20 years, the effect of the One Belt One Road initiative on the future of Chinese investor-state disputes, whether the global trend of international arbitration “boutiques” will continue in the Chinese market, what are the key challenges and opportunities for foreign firms looking to expand in China, as well as what advice he has for the next generation of international arbitration lawyers.

在今天的播客中魏狮(Tom Villalón)将采访费宁律师。费宁律师是汇仲律师事务所的管理合伙人。在交谈中他谈到的是话题包括:中国和外国律师在进行仲裁时的区别,中国国际仲裁领域争议的未来20年的方向,一带一路倡议对中国投资纠纷的影响,中国国内的专门从事国际仲裁业务的“精品”律师事务所的未来,在中国大陆要发展仲裁业务的国际所最关键的特点,以及对新一代国际仲裁律师的建议。

Watching from Mainland China? Watch here on Bilibili.


Ep. 2 – 曹丽军律师 (Mr. Lijun Cao)

Tom Villalón sits down with Mr. Lijun Cao, partner at the Zhong Lun law firm, and one of China’s top international arbitration practitioners. During the interview, Mr. Cao discusses the differences between how Chinese and American lawyers conduct arbitrations, differences between Chinese and American clients when it comes to arbitration, how Chinese parties view the role of mediation in resolving international disputes, how the One Belt One Road initiative will affect the future of Chinese arbitration and the “globalization” of Chinese legal services, whether the global trend of international arbitration “boutiques” could occur in China, as well as what advice he would has for the next generation of international arbitration lawyers.

在今天的播客中魏狮(Tom Villalón)将采访曹丽军律师。曹律师是中伦律师事务所的合伙人之一。在交谈中他谈到的是话题包括:中国和美国律师在进行仲裁时的区别,中美客户之间在进行国际仲裁时的区别,中国当事人怎么看待调解在解决国际纠纷中的作用,一带一路倡议对中国国际仲裁领域和法律服务的“国际化”会有什么影响,中国国内的专门从事国际仲裁业务的“精品”律师事务所的未来,以及对新一代国际仲裁律师的建议。

Watching from Mainland China? Watch here on Bilibili.


Ep. 1 – 康明律师(Mr. Ming Kang)

Tom Villalón sits down with Mr. Ming Kang, partner at the Fangda law firm, and one of China’s top international arbitration practitioners. During the interview, Mr. Kang discusses the preference of Chinese parties when it comes to selecting arbitral institutions, the use of mediation in resolving international disputes, the role of Chinese arbitration for the One Belt One Road initiative, the future market for Chinese legal services, the differences between American and Chinese clients of arbitration, as well as advice for the next generation of international arbitration practitioners.

在今天的播客中魏狮(Tom Villalón)将采访康明律师。康明律师是方达律师事务所的合伙人之一。他是中国最优秀的国际仲裁从业者之一。在交谈中他谈到:中国客户在选择国际仲裁中心时的偏好,调解在解决国际纠纷中的作用,国际仲裁在一带一路倡议中的作用,中国法律服务的未来,中美客户之间的区别,以及对新一代国际仲裁律师的建议。

Watching from Mainland China? Watch here on Bilibili.
